NAME – The name of the organization shall be: The PAN AMERICAN GOLF ASSOCIATION OF NEW BRAUNFELS, here–after referred to as THE CLUB.
Section 1
- To instill the desire to spend time enjoyably, and to encourage and promote amature golf among the members and the community.
Section 2
- To cooperate with and develop friendly relations with civic and athletic organizations, and particularly cooperate with member Associations.
Section 3
- To encourage youth to get involved and participate in sports, but not necessarily golf.
Section 4
- To support and assist charitable and non–profit organizations, such as Little League and other worthwhile community projects, and to provide funds for such projects.
Section 1
- There will be three types of membership in the Club:
- Charter
- Associate
- Honorary
Section 2
- All members are subject to the Constitution and By–Laws of the Club.
Section 3
- Membership in the Club shall be left up to the discretion of the members.
Section 4
- The Club will asses membership dues and shall follow all the rules of membership as noted in the National Association.
Section 5
- Members shall make good efforts to attend all Club meetings and to keep thier addresses and phone numbers current.
Section 6
- Membership should understand that the Club is not liable for injuries or death as a result of members performing any type of service for the club.
Section 1
- There will be five (5) officers whose titles will be as follows:
- President
- Vice–President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Sergent–At–Arms
- The position of the Secretary and Treasurer could be held by one person.
Section 2
- The Board of Directors will consist of the President, Vice–President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three (3) appointed members.
Section 3
- The Board of Directors shall have full powers and authority in the interval between meetings of the Club to do all acts and perform all functions which the Club itself might do or perform, except it shall have no power to amend the Constitution or By–Laws.
Section 4
- Board of Directors will have the power to expel a member for conduct unbecoming a golfer, violation of rules and regulations, and involving the Club in political and/or controversial activities.
Section 5
- Outgoing officers shall furnish new officers with all records pertaining and belonging to the Club.
Section 6
- All officers are entrusted with the privileges and responsibilities generally associated with thier respective offices.
Section 7
- No officer shall be elgible for more than 2 full consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 1
- Accepted Parlimentary procedures must be established by Robert’s Rules Of Order (revised) and must be adhered to at all meetings.
Section 2
- There will be one (1) meeting per month, if necessary, with the time and date to be at the discretion of the President and/or Board Of Directors.
Section 3
- Officer and Chairman and / or Board Of Directors meetings may be called at the discretion of the President.
Section 4
- Special meetings may be called by the President, if the situation warrants, however there must be approval by the Board Of Directors.
Section 5
- Each member shall be allowed one (1) vote per motion approved and seconded at any meeting of the Club.
Section 6
- All propositions to alter, amend, or add to the Club’s Constitution or By–Laws shall be made in writing at a meeting of the Club, and filed with the Secretary, who shall have the same duly publicized at least (30) days before being acted upon meaning first proposed then having three (3) readings thereafter at regularily scheduled monthly meetings, and shall not be adopted without concurrence of two–thirds (2/3) of the vote cast.
Section 7
- A quorum will consist of all members present at any scheduled meeting.
Section 8
- If the Club should cease to function, then it is the duty of those in office to dispose of all properties, both tangible and intangible by donating such properties to a worthy, charitable institution of the the State of Texas. Proof of such disposition should be shown within ninety (90) days after notification of disorganization.
Section 9
- The Club will vote on a National Delegate and Alternate one (1) time per year. If one or both Delegates are unable to attend a funtion, at that time and only at that time, the Club must elect another Delegate. The Delagate’s boarding and gas expenses will be provided by the Club, providing all meetings were attended by the Delegate. Upon return all receipts must be turned in to the treasurer in order for re–imbursement
Section 1
- It is prohibited to use the name of this Club, either individually or jointly in matters which do not concern the Pan American Golf Association of New Braunfels without consent of the Club. Section 2
- Alcoholic beverages will be allowed to be consumed during a regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 1
- There should de at least five (5) committees (permanent) as shown:
- Tournament Committee
- Social and Entertainment Committee
- Membership Committee
- Telephone Committee
- Handicap Committee Section 2
- Other special committees wil be appointed by the President as the need arises with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3
- The committee Chairman will be appointed by the President. The Handicap and Tournament Chairman will be termed Directors.
Section 1
- The Tournament Director and his Committee shall be responsible for all Tournament activities in accordence with existing By–Laws.
Section 2
- All Club Tournaments will be conducted according to USGA RULES (current) and existing local Golf course rules.
Section 3
- The Tournament Director and his Committee will be the sole authority on any rules dispute arising out of tournament play. All grievances will be presented to the Committee for final ruling.
Section 4
- The Handicap Director and his Committee will compute handicaps in accordance with Mini–Max rules and regulations, and may at his discretion, arbitrarily reduce or increase the handicaps of golfers who do not return all thier scores or otherwise do not observe the rules of the handicap system.
Section 5
- Each member will be responsible for submitting a certified score card to the Tournament Committee Chairman.
Section 6
- The Club will be responsible for providing suitable trophies and prizes for tournaments. The trophies and prizes will be a nature in keeping with past tradition as to size and cost.
- In order to participate in local Pro–Ams, one must be a member of the Pan American Golf Association.
- Non–members may play as guest of a member. No more than one (1) guest at a time per member.
- Each individual member is responsible for his personal score and verification of that score.
- No one other than members of the Tournament Committee or persons designated by them, will be present when figuring out Tournament results.
- Any and all members joining the Club before March 29,1998, will be considered CHARTER MEMBERS.
- Any and all members joining the Club after March 29, 1998, will be considered ASSOCIATE MEMBERS.
- Persons who have distinguished themselves in the game of Golf or can contribute or have contributed towards the goals of the Club may be elected by the Board Of Directors to Honorary Membership in the Club, may participate in discussions, but will have no vote. No dues will be required of them.
- Any individual wishing to join the Club will have to be proposed by an active member. The prospective member’s application will be read at a regular meeting and voted on at the same time. Secret balloting will be the system used and will require two–thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present.
- Any individual rejected for membership will not be able to apply again until a period of three (3) months has passed. At this time, if he so wished, he may be proposed again and go through the same procedures.
- The Board Of Directors will have the authority to expel a member for the following reasons:
- (A) Conduct unbecoming a Golfer (on the golf course) and bringing dishonor to the Club.
- (B) Intentional and constant violations of the rules and regulations as set forth in the Constitution and By–Laws.
- (C) A member involving the Club in controversial and/or political activities, without the express written consent of the Club, and bringing unfavorable publicity to the Club.
- When one of the above charges is brought against a member, he may at his request, appeal and will be granted a hearing by the Board Of Directors so that the compalint may be settled.
- A member expelled from the Club for any reason except for nonpayment of yearly dues will be denied admission into the Club for a period of twelve (12) months.
- No member can be active in two (2) Clubs within the Quad–City area (San Marcos, Seguin, Lochart, and New Braunfels)
- It is prohibited for any member to recruit active members from another Pan American Club.
- A member from another Club will have to be inactive for a period of one (1) month before being allowed to apply for membership in our Club. However this may be waived with the consent of the Club by majority vote.
- Before applying for admission into our Club, it will be determined why this member is no longer active in his home town Club.
- A member in good standing may be recommended for admission in the event he moves to another city with an active PAGA or within the Quad–City area.
- A member may retain dual membership as long as it is out of the Quad–City area.
- The President will appoint a Nominating Committee Chairman and two(2) members elected from the floor to serve on the Nominating Committee at the monthly meeting in October to submit nominations for the offices of President, Vice–President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant -At–Arms. Such nominations will be presented to the membership at the monthly meeting in November.
- Members of the committee may be candidates, but if they are chosen for an office, they will resign from the committee and be replaced by the Nominating Committee Chairman.
- Nominations from the floor will be encouraged.
- Voting by secret ballot will be the system used and the winning candidates must have at least one (1) more than half the votes cast.
- The newly elected officers will take office January 1st.
- The Fiscal Year of the Pan American Golf Association Of New Braunfels shall be from January 1st to December 31st.
- A copy of the Constitution and By–Laws shall be delivered by the Secretary to each member upon receipt of payment of his first annual dues and thereafter a copy of each amendment as and when adopted shall be delivered by the Secretary to each member in good standing.
- The Vice–President will fill the vacancy occuring in the office of the President until the next election of officers.
- Vacancies among the other officers will be filled by popular election at the next regular scheduled meeting.
- As of January 1, 1998 dues will be twenty–five dollars (25) per year.
- Dues will be due on January 1st of the Fiscal Year.
- Any member whose dues have not been paid within ninety (90) days after they are due, shall automatically be suspended from the Club until all dues have been paid.
- Dues will be pro–rated foe new members joining the Club after April 1st of the Fiscal Year. 5. Any member that has been suspended for non–payment of dues wishing to join the Club during the Fiscal Year or any preceding year will be required to pay the full membership dues regardless of the time of the year that he joins.
- Members joining the Club after May 1st of the Fiscal Year or who are delinquent with yearly dues will not be able to participate in the National Tournaments.